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FMF News

Tips to Increase Plant Purchasing 3 Part Series – Part 1

Tips to Increase Plant Purchasing 3 Part Series – Part 1

Understanding Market Trends Entering the third summer of the COVID-19 pandemic, floral shops can continue to seize on the popularity of gardening hobbyists and at-home flower lovers to capture new business by educating customers and tweaking merchandising plans. By...

4 Advertising Tips to Capture More Business

4 Advertising Tips to Capture More Business

Findings from New Consumer Research   Picture a cut flower advertisement. Is it a single stem or a bouquet? Is there text? Is the image static or animated? Where is it displayed? These are among the questions raised by the recent Floral Marketing Fund report...

Path to Purchasing for Garden Center Consumers In-Store and Online

Path to Purchasing for Garden Center Consumers In-Store and Online

Upcoming Webinar Presentation and Final Report Released   The Floral Marketing Fund (FMF), in partnership with the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre and the University of Guelph, are presenting the final results from a new study on consumers’ perceived...

New Study Released on Consumer Houseplant Purchasing

New Study Released on Consumer Houseplant Purchasing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Alexandria, VA – December 10th, 2021 – The Floral Marketing Fund (FMF), alongside co-sponsors Altman Plants, Costa Farms, Green Circle Growers, Hortica, and Metrolina Greenhouses, are pleased to release the results of a consumer preferences study...

Support future floral marketing studies