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Got an idea for future research?

The Floral Marketing Fund is always looking for its next project to fund! Projects of particular interest are listed below, but ideas and funding applications can be submitted for any consumer-based research for consideration.

Projects of particular interest are listed below, but any research or marketing effort that will assist with the reaching of consumers to increase the sales of floriculture products will be considered.

Current Research Priorities for FMF: 

  • Flowers and plants relation to self-care
  • Health benefits of flowers and plants
  • Consumer preferences on sustainability in the floral industry
  • New market segments and how to reach them
  • Current drivers and trends for purchasing
  • Exploring trends and motivations for both events and gifting
  • Pricing vs. perceived value 
  • Consumer perceptions of flowers as gifts
  • Barriers to purchasing
  • Behavioral studies – consumer decision-making 

The Application Process

  • Applicants will be notified of funding after review by the FMF committee and Board.
  • All researchers who are approved for funding by the FMF must submit a final research report on their funded research which becomes the property of the FMF.

Support future floral marketing studies