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2016 Consumer Research Studies Underway

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) and the FMRF have announced three new studies being conducted in 2016, funded by the FMRF. Results will be published on the AFE and FMRF websites once available.

Stay updated on these projects by connecting with AFE and the FMRF on social media.

2016 Projects

Marketing Tactics to Increase Millennial Floral Purchases

Marketing to young consumers is a topic that’s heard industry-wide. This new study will explore innovative marketing strategies and tactics in order to better target Generation Y consumers. The study is being conducted by Dr. Chengyan Yue of the University of Minnesota and is sponsored by Asocolflores.

Generations of Flowers Study

The original Generations of Flowers Study was conducted by the Society of American Florists (SAF) in 2009 to explore the motivations and barriers of how different groups perceive, buy and use flowers and floral outlets. In 2016, AFE has partnered with SAF to conduct this study once again, which will assess patterns of purchasing and giving, motivations and barriers to purchasing, and practical and emotional values placed on flowers.

Consumer Purchasing Study

Dating back to 1992, AFE has periodically conducted survey research in the form of a diary study to understand in greater detail the floral purchases of the public. Formerly called the Consumer Tracking Study and last conducted in 2005, AFE has partnered with SAF to revive the year-long study that provides actual data on the incidents of purchases, amount spent, what was purchased, for whom and what occasions, and what other gifts were considered. This study will provide the industry with valuable information to help plan for inventories, marketing and pricing to help florists maximize their sales.


Other reports currently available:

  • Funeral Directors and Flowers – Insights into Floral Tributes in the Funeral Industry
  • Purchasing Barriers Tracking Study for Non-Flower Buyers
  • Social Media Guide for Floral Retailers and Wholesalers
  • Consumer Preferences Study for Flowers as Gifts

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